Find your dream L&D partner

PeopleHat matches you with vetted L&D companies and consultants to meet your unique needs. No charge.
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How it Works
Step 1
Submit an L&D Request to PeopleHat
Step 2
PeopleHat analyzes your
team’s L&D needs
Step 3
PeopleHat sends you tailored proposals from top vendors
Sit back - we handle all the leg work
Save time researching vendors and sifting through proposals. No more never-ending sales funnels.
Get Started - It's Free
No commitment, 
No cost, no-brainer
Use PeopleHat for free to find L&D partners, schedule meetings, and shorten your buying cycle.
Get Started - It's Free
Why PeopleHat?
Custom Solutions
PeopleHat works with vendors to build you tailored solutions
On Budget
We match you with partners who can right-size your needs and stay within your budget
Save Time
PeopleHat can shorten your buying cycle by weeks
In-Person or Remote
We work with vendors that are remote or in-person
Expert Guidance
Our L&D experts guide you
through the process
Zero Cost to You
Peoplehat costs nothing for L&D leaders looking for solutions
Continuous Support
We support you through the entire process of sourcing vendors
Qualified Network
Our L&D experts vet every vendor before they send a proposal